AES Encryption and Decryption

AES encryption and decryption discussion:


The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the encryption method of choice (2016).  There are several Python implementations available.  The seemingly most common and easily used is found within the PyCrypto package (by Litzenberger ref 1 and 2).  This package has many crypto functions including a C implementation of AES (ref 3).


When using AES, there are several parameters to consider:  mode, initialization vector, block size, keys.


AES Mode:


Without going into the details – concentrating on implementation -- Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) is the preferred mode to use.  But is not perfect.  CBC encryption is a sequential operation and can be slow.  Because the algorithm works on a batch-of-bits (a block), the message must be padded to a multiple of the cipher block size.  Most interesting, however, is that because it sequentially operates on blocks in the full plaintext, changing any bit in the plaintext bit chain changes the result.  Appending a initial block -- an Initialization Vector (IV) – causes a ripple effect in the subsequent sequential encryption of the remaining plaintext.  Further, any error in calculation of any middle part of the encryption, fouls the remaining encryption.  This means that any error in the encryption of a long message screws the entire message.  Likewise, any dropped or altered bit in the encrypted message makes decryption fail.  This is good for encryption but bad for transmission or writing or recording tolerance.


AES Block Size:


Most implementations of AES encrypt a “block” of 16 bytes.  This means that the encryption process operates on 16 bytes chunks.  Therefore, the encrypted message must be a multiple of 16 bytes long.  The implementation must therefore pad the plaintext message so that it becomes a multiple of 16 bytes long.  This padding is done by appending to the end of the plaintext enough characters to make it suitably long.


AES Initialization Vector:


The AES encryption method is serial.  Encrypt the first 16 bytes, then encrypt the second 16 bytes while incorporating the result of the first 16 bytes, then encrypt the third 16 bytes while incorporating the result of the second 16 bytes, etc.  


But encrypting the same message or a similar message will produce the same result.  For example, chain encryption “Hello how are you my friend” and “Hello how are you my friend and dog” produces similar results.  Hex results:






While the second result is longer, one concludes that much of the message is the same.  This essentially “leaks” info about the message.  To remove this leak, simply include an IV to the beginning of the plaintext when performing the serial CBC encryption.  Using a random IV, which changes for each encryption performed, forces even the same message to produce a vastly different ciphertext.  This essentially starts the chained cypher process at a unique/different point.  The typical AES CBC encryption is applied to an IV-augmented-plaintext message that is composed of the IV concatenated to the plaintext (i.e. IV || plaintext).  The IV is 16 bytes (= block size).  An example IV-augmented-plaintext is thus:


RandomIV-exampleHello how are you my friend


In actual use, rather than simple text as in this illustration, the IV is 16*8 bits (= 32 hex = 128 bits) random bit sequence.


To decrypt, one needs both the original IV starting point and the resulting ciphertext.  For many/most implementations, the resulting ciphertext contains first the IV and then the encrypted message.  This is because to decrypt one needs the IV used so that the plaintext can be computed.  This is an example of output ciphertext:




The first 32 hex (16 bytes) is the randomly generated IV:  




The remainder is the encrypted plaintext:  




To illustrate the use of different IVs, consider the same plaintext message of “Hello how are you my friend” encrypted twice: 






In these two examples, the IV is different and this forces the resulting encryption of the plaintext message to be vastly different.  There is no leak of information.  The eavesdropper does not know that these two messages are identical!


In summary, use AES with CBC.  Block size is 16.  An IV of 16 bytes is appended to the front of the plaintext before encrypting.  The plaintext is extended to a multiple of 16 bytes by adding fill characters to the end of the plaintext.  The last thing to consider is the encryption key.


AES Key:


The encryption key may be either 16, 24 or 32 bytes long.  It cannot be simply any length -- it must be one of these.  In many cases, the user’s input key is some words, numbers, passphrase or other typeable/printable sequence.  As discussed previously in the post about hashes, this does not use all the possible bit combinations of a byte.  Likewise, there is no guarantee it is 32 (or 16 or 24) bytes long.  To construct a general-purpose interface for AES encryption, one must decide on a key length and make sure the incoming key length matches.  I choose 32 byte keys.  I also choose to always apply a SHA256 hash to the incoming key and thus assure a 32 byte key.  I choose 32 bytes because, well, why not.  And as I have shown before, SHA256 is not much slower than SHA128.


Depending upon the particular implementation one might consider adding additional information to the user’s input key or even using a stretching algorithm (i.e. Key Derivation Function…KDF) to achieve other “good things” (see previous post re hashes).   I choose to build a generalized AES function which applies a SHA256 hash to the incoming key and thus the generalized AES function can accept any length.


An Example Python AES Encrypt function:


This example implements much of the discussion above.  An important note, however.  I chose to only pass ciphertext as hex-coded information – both in and out of the functions.  I do this because I find that settling on this easily viewable/printable mode helps with reducing coding and usage errors in passing around and using the ciphertext (YMMV).  It is also quite easy to unhexlify as needed.


I also return a dictionary.  With debug options off, the dictionary contains error indicators and the resulting ciphertext.  Again, I find this useful when debugging.  I prefer to write functions that are debugged and re-use them…


from Crypto.Cipher import AES

from Crypto import Random

import hashlib
import binascii
import sys



def AES_encrypt(plaintext, str_key_in, debug = False, build_iv = True):


    # key_in is any string, hex, etc. and any length

    # will use any str_key_in and make a SHA256 (32 byte) hash.

    # if you want a salt or some other sort of random stuff, simply add it in BEFORE it

    # is passed to here.

    # if for some odd reason you wish to create and build your own iv,

    # put it into the build_iv spot.  It MUST be 16 bytes.


    result_dic = {}


    # this is a bit key....not printable character restricted!!!

    AES_key_used = hashlib.sha256(str_key_in).digest()


    if debug == True:

        result_dic['AES_str_key'] = str_key_in

        result_dic['hashed_AES_key_used'] = AES_key_used

        result_dic['hex_hashed_AES_key_used'] = binascii.hexlify(AES_key_used)

        result_dic['plaintext'] =  plaintext



        # will implement only the most common mode = CBC

        # for CBC, must have input string multiple of 16 bytes long

        # padding function will do this

        BS = 16

        pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS)

        plaintext_with_pad = pad(plaintext)


        if build_iv == True:

            # initialization vector from random function

            iv =


            iv = build_iv


        encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

        ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt(plaintext_with_pad)


        # put the iv in front of the ciphertext

        # this is bit/byte data....not printable

        iv_ciphertext = iv + ciphertext


        # setup the resulting dictionary

        result_dic['error'] = 'none'

        result_dic['result'] = True


        # will pass ciphertext as hex.

        # this allows printing and passing without weird things happening

        # if want bit/byte result, simply unhexlify!

        result_dic["hex_iv_ciphertext"] = binascii.hexlify(iv_ciphertext)



        error_info = sys.exc_info()[0]

        result_dic['error'] =  'error ' + str(error_info)

        result_dic['result'] = False

        result_dic["hex_iv_ciphertext"] = result_dic['error']

        if debug == True:

            print '----------------- AES error ------------------'

            for i in result_dic: print i, ' ... ', result_dic[i]





    if debug == True:

        result_dic['build_iv'] = build_iv

        result_dic['hex_iv']= binascii.hexlify(iv)

        result_dic['hex_ciphertext'] = binascii.hexlify(ciphertext)

        result_dic['iv_ciphertext'] = iv_ciphertext

        result_dic['iv'] = iv

        result_dic['ciphertext'] = ciphertext

        print '..........AES ecnrypt debug output.................'

        for i in result_dic: print i, ' ... ', result_dic[i]

        print '...................................................'





AES decrypt example:


AES decrypt is pretty self-explanatory.  Note this function matches the one above.  It only deals in hex-encoded data.


# mate to AES_encrypt


def AES_decrypt(hex_iv_ciphertext, str_key_in, debug = False):


    # hex is used because it is printable, usually easily passable without screwups or weird things happening

    # hex_ciphertext is from doAES_encrypt

    # str_key_in is the key used for before sha256


    result_dic = {}

    result_dic['error'] = 'none'

    result_dic['result'] = True



    # make input hex into bit/byte format

    iv_ciphertext = binascii.unhexlify(hex_iv_ciphertext)


    # make key frm string key input

    # this is a 32 byte, non-printable key

    AES_key_used = hashlib.sha256(str_key_in).digest()


    if debug == True:

        # if debug, add info to result_dic

        result_dic['iv_ciphertext'] = iv_ciphertext

        result_dic['hex_iv_ciphertext'] = hex_iv_ciphertext

        result_dic['AES_key_in'] = str_key_in

        result_dic['hashed_AES_key_used'] = AES_key_used

        result_dic['hex_hashed_AES_key_used'] = binascii.hexlify(AES_key_used)



        # cipher text should have block size of 16

        keymod = len(iv_ciphertext) % 16

        if keymod <> 0:

            result_dic['result'] = False

            result_dic['error'] = 'error = cipher octet mod-16 is not zero...' + str(keymod)

            for i in result_dic: print i, ' ... ' , result_dic[i]




        # divide the ciphertext into the iv and the text parts

        # these are binary/bit/octet coded things

        cipher_octet = iv_ciphertext[16:]

        iv_octet = iv_ciphertext[:16]


        cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_octet)

        plaintext_with_pad = cipher.decrypt(cipher_octet)


        # remember needed plaintext to be in multiples of added pad

        # if the pad is there, remove it now

        unpad = lambda s : s[:-ord(s[len(s)-1:])]

        plaintext = unpad(plaintext_with_pad)


        # success

        result_dic['result'] = True

        result_dic['plaintext'] = plaintext


        result_dic['result'] = False

        error_info = sys.exc_info()[0]

        result_dic['error'] = 'error = ' + str(error_info)

        result_dic['plaintext'] = 'error...did not decrypt properly' + str(error_info)

        for i in result_dic: print i, ' ... ', result_dic[i]






